
most affordable

data and airtime

rates that



Unlock incredible benefits today! Simply grab your SIM card and download our app for massive savings on data, voice and SMS rates! Don’t miss out on the amazing deals that await you!!

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your network experience

Just get your SIM card and download
our app.

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Who we are

Red Star Connect is a rapidly growing prepaid mobile network that offers the best non-expiring data & airtime rates in the country.

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As Easy as


Send RICA to 063 901 0001 on your Whatsapp to get started


Buy any of these vouchers


Top Up on USSD: *136#

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Enjoy Unbeatable Rates

That never expire!!


with all major networks

Red Star Connect is compatible with all major cellular networks, simply requiring you to obtain a SIM card and stay connected with Red Star Connect. Plus, enjoy data that never expires.

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Why choose us?

Best rates

Superior connectivity and lowest data, voice, and SMS rates through our partnership with MTN.

Data-FREE App

Full white label and data-free app: daily free data rewards, wallet functionality, and an array of additional features.

Easy top up channels

Wide range of convenient top- up methods.

Join The

Red Star Connect


Enjoy better communication with our
app and save money!

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